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What is Ayurveda

A Natural Way to Heal

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Ayurveda is the complete healing system from India that was given to the old sages and meditators of that land over 5000 years ago.  The premise of this science rests on the belief that the Universe is part of us and we are part of the Universe; everyone holds a Universe within. With this knowledge it is understood that in order to achieve the highest level of good health, people have to find a way to be in balance with their world within, and without. This balance is found when the connection with Self is achieved.

According to Ayurveda, we are all born with a unique and perfect (for each person) mind-body constitution, also called Prakriti. As we grow and develop, we are effected by the world around us, for example: The way we are raised, the foods we intake and the activities we take part on. All these "outside" effectors that many times do not fit in with the person's mind body constitution can create imbalances that can have repercussions (physical, physiological, mental and spiritual) on day to day life. The imbalance a person presents is called Vikruti. Through a cohesive mixture of diet, herbal supplements, body treatments, meditation and lifestyle adjustments, Ayurveda aims to return people into a state of most balance, so that we can enjoy a better, more fulfilling quality of life.

Here at Corazón Wellness we have the intention of helping you achieve that balance through the treatments and services we provide. We can receive so much information about life, health and decisions based on what our body tells us, if we are willing to listen. And then, it is up to us whether we make the changes necessary to achieve the goal of wellbeing. We want to empower you to do that. 

We are the only wellness boutique in the Denver area that provides ayurvedic consultations AND ayurvedic body treatments including shirodhara, abhyanga, sound healing, and chakra balancing. We also offer personalized meditation guidance either through our self-paced online course or our mālā crafting and meditation teaching service.

Thank you for being here.

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Celeste =)

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